Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Lirik Lagu Kebangsaan Di Seluruh Dunia

Akhir-akhir ini, di tahun ini, 2010, di mana-mana lagi demam bola. Di status atau grup facebook, di SMS, di kantor, di mana sajalah. Saya juga akhir-akhir ini mulai jadi penggemar bola. Ini adalah hal yang cukup aneh untuk saya, karena beberapa tahun yang lalu saya tidak tertarik dengan bola sama sekali dan memang tidak berbakat main bola. Rasanya saat menonton bola juga sangat hambar, karena saat itu saya tidak mengerti apa yang mereka mainkan dan bosan melihat mereka terus mondar-mandir lapangan bola dengan satu tujuan yang tidak jelas, untuk memasukkan bola ke dalam gawang.

Tapi belakangan ini, saya sepertinya sudah sadar bahwa soccer itu cukup menarik. Entah ada angin atau kotoran apa yang masuk dalam tubuh saya? Hahaha. Tiba-tiba terasa bahwa sepak bola itu menyenangkan. Dan tiba-tiba terlintas di pikiran saya tentang lagu kebangsaan saat mereka menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan mereka sebelum memulai pertandingan. Lalu saya mau menulis lirik lagunya. Hahaha... Gak penting ya?


Lyrics by Abdul Bari Jahani
Music by Babrak Wassa

-Pashto Lyrics

دا وطن افغانستان دى
دا عزت د هر افغان دى
كور د سولې، كور د تورې
هر بچى يې قهرمان دى

دا وطن د ټولو كور دى
د بلوچو، د ازبكو
د پــښــتون او هزارهوو
د تركمنو، د تاجكو

ور سره عرب، ګوجر دي
پاميريان، نورستانيان
براهوي دي، قزلباش دي
هم ايماق، هم پشايان

دا هيواد به تل ځلېږي
لكه لمر پر شنه آسمان
په سينې كې د آسيا به
لكه زړه وي جاويدان

نوم د حق مو دى رهبر
وايو الله اكبر
وايو الله اكبر
وايو الله اكبر

-Latin Lyrics

Dā watan Afγānistān dai,
dā izat də har Afγān dai
Kor də sule, kor də ture,
har bačai ye qahramān dai

Dā watan də ttolo kor dai,
də Baločo, də Uzbəko
Pax̌tun aw Hazārawo,
də Turkməno, də Tāǰəko

Wər sara Arəb, Guǰər di,
Pāmiryān, Nuristānyān
Brāhuwi di, Qizilbāsh di,
ham Aimāq, ham Pašāyān

Dā hiwād ba təl dzaleγ̌i,
ləka lmar pər šnə āsmān
Pə sine ke də Āsyā ba,
ləka zrrə wi ǰāwidān

Num də haq mo dai rahbar,
Wāyu Allāhu Akbar,
Wāyu Allāhu Akbar,
Wāyu Allāhu Akbar

-English Lyrics

This land is Afghanistan,
it is the pride of every Afghan
The land of peace, the land of sword,
each of its sons is brave

This is the country of every tribe,
The land of Balochs and Uzbeks

Pashtuns and Hazaras,
Turkmens and Tajiks

With them, there are Arabs and Gujjars,
Brahuis, and
also Aimaqs and Pashais

This land will shine for ever,
like the sun in the blue sky
In the chest of Asia,
it will remain as heart for ever

We will follow the one God
We all say, "Allah is the greatest!",
we all say, "Allah is the greatest!",
we all say, "Allah is the greatest!"


Lyrics by Aleksander Stavre Drenova
Music by Ciprian Porumbescu


-Albanian Lyrics

Rreth flamurit të përbashkuar
Me një dëshir' e një qëllim,
Të gjith' atij duke iu betuar
Të lidhim besën për shpëtim.

Prej lufte veç ai largohet
Që është lindur tradhëtar,
Kush është burrë nuk frikësohet,
Po vdes, po vdes si një dëshmor!

Në dorë armët do t'i mbajmë,
Të mbrojmë atdheun në çdo kënd,
Të drejtat tona ne s'i ndajmë;
Këtu armiqtë s'kanë vënd!

Se Zoti vetë e tha me gojë
Që kombe shuhen përmbi dhé,
Po Shqipëria do të rrojë;
Për të, për të luftojmë ne!

O Flamur, flamur, shenj' e shenjte
tek ti betohemi ketu
per Shqiperine, atdheun e shtrenjte,
per nder' edhe lavdimn e tu.

Trim burre quhet dhe nderohet
atdheut kush iu be therror.
Perjete ai do te kujtohet
mbi dhe, nen dhe si nje shenjtor!

-English Lyrics

Around our flag we stand united,
With one wish and one goal,
A sacred oath we bestow upon it
Proclaiming loyalty for our salvation.

From the struggle only he turns his back,
He who is born a traitor,
He who is a true man is not frightened,
But dies a martyr to the cause.

With weapons in our hands a-brandished,
We will defend our fatherland,
Our sacred rights we’ll not relinquish,
The foe has no place in our land.

For God himself proclaimed:
The nations of the earth shall wane,
And yet will live, will thrive Albania.
For her our fight won’t be in vain.

O Flag, flag, you sacred symbol
upon you we now swear
for Albania, our dear fatherland
for honour and your commends

Brave man is named and honoured
the one who sacrificed himself for the fatherland
Forever he will be remembered
on earth and under as a saint!


Lyrics by Mufdi Zakariah
Music by Mohamed Fawzi


-Arabic Lyrics

قسما بالنازلات الماحقات
و الدماء الزاكيات الطاهرات
و البنود اللامعات الخافقات
في الجبال الشامخات الشاهقات
نحن ثرنا فحياة أو ممات
و عقدنا العزم أن تحيا الجزائر
فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا...

نحن جند في سبيل الحق ثرنا
و إلى استقلالنا بالحرب قمنا
لم يكن يصغى لنا لما نطقنا
فاتخذنا رنة البارود وزنا
و عزفنا نغمة الرشاش لحنا
وعقدنا العزم أن تحيا الجزائر
فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا...

يا فرنسا قد مضى وقت العتاب
و طويناه كما يطوى الكتاب
يا فرنسا ان ذا يوم الحساب
فاستعدي وخذي منا الجواب
ان في ثورتنا فصل الخطاب
و عقدنا العزم ان تحيى الجزائر
فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا...

نحن من أبطالنا ندفع جندا
و على أشلائنا نصنع مجدا
و على أرواحنا نصعد خلدا
و على هاماتنا نرفع بندا
جبهة التحرير أعطيناك عهدا
و عقدنا العزم أن تحيا الجزائر
فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا...

صرخة الأوطان من ساح الفدا
فاسمعوها واستجيبوا للندا
و اكتبوها بدماء الشهدا
و اقرأوها لبني الجيل غدا
قد مددنا لك يا مجد يدا
و عقدنا العزم أن تحيا الجزائر
فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا... فاشهدوا

-Latin Lyrics

Qassaman Binnazilat Ilmahiqat
Waddimaa Izzakiyat Ittahirat
Walbonood Illamiaat Ilkhafiqat
F'Iljibal Ishshamikhat Ishshahiqat
Nahno Thurna Fahayaton Aw ma mamaat
Wa Aqadna Alazma An Tahya Aljazair
Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo!

Nahno Jondon Fi Sabil Il hakki Thorna
Wa Ila Isstiqlalina Bilharbi Kumna.
Lam Yakon Yossgha Lana Lamma Natakna
Fattakhathna Rannat Albaroodi Wazna.
Wa Azafna Naghamat Alrashshashi Lahna
Wa Aqadna Alazmat An Tahya Aljazair.
Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo!

Ya Faransaa, qad matha waktu l`itab
Wa taweynahu kama yutwa lkitab
Ya Faransa inna tha yawmu lhisab
Fasta`iddee wakhudhee minna ljawab
Inna fee thawratinaa faslal khitab
Wa Aqadna Alazma An Tahya Aljazair
Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo!

Nahno min Abtalina Nadfaoo Jonda
Wa Ala Ashlaina Nassnaoo Majda.
Wa Ala Arouahena Nassaado Kholda.
Wa Ala Hamatina Narfao Bandaa.
Djabhato' Ltahreeri Aataynaki Ahda
Wa Aqadna Alazma An Tahya Aljazair.
Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo!

Sarkhato 'lawtani min Sah Ilfida
Issmaooha Wasstageebo Linnida
Waktobooha Bidimaa Ilshohadaa
Wakraooha Libany Iljeeli ghada.
Kad Madadna Laka Ya Majdo Yada
Wa Aqadna Alazma An Tahya Aljazair.
Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo! Fashhadoo!

-English Lyrics

We swear by the lightning that destroys,
By the streams of generous blood being shed,
By the bright flags that wave,
Flying proudly on the high mountains,
That we have risen up, and whether we live or die,
We are resolved that Algeria shall live -
So be our witness -be our witness - be our witness!

We are soldiers in revolt for truth
And we have fought for our independence.
When we spoke, none listened to us,
So we have taken the noise of gunpowder as our rhythm
And the sound of machine guns as our melody,
We are resolved that Algeria shall live -
So be our witness -be our witness -be our witness!

O France, the time of reproof is over
And we have ended it as a book is ended;
O France, this is the day of reckoning
So prepare to receive from us our answer!
In our revolution is the end of empty talk;
We are resolved that Algeria shall live -
So be our witness -be our witness -be our witness!

From our heroes we shall make an army come to being,
From our dead we shall build up a glory,
Our spirits shall ascend to immortality
And on our shoulders we shall raise the standard.
To the nation's Liberation Front we have sworn an oath,
We are resolved that Algeria shall live -
So be our witness -be our witness -be our witness

The cry of the Fatherland sounds from the battlefields.
Listen to it and answer the call!
Let it be written with the blood of martyrs
And be read to future generations.
Oh, Glory, we have held out our hand to you,
We are resolved that Algeria shall live -
So be our witness -be our witness -be our witness!


Lyrics by Enric Marfany Bons
Music by Joan Benlloch I Vivó


-Catalan Lyrics

El gran Carlemany, mon Pare dels àrabs em deslliurà,

I del cel vida em donà de Meritxell, la gran Mare,
Princesa nasquí i Pubilla entre dues nacions neutral
Sols resto l'única filla de l'imperi Carlemany.
Creient i lliure onze segles, creient i lliure vull ser.
Siguin els furs mos tutors i mos Prínceps defensors!

I mos Princeps defensors!

-English Lyrics

The great Charlemagne, my Father, liberated me from the Saracens, And from heaven he gave me life from Meritxell, the great Mother.
I was born a Princess, a Maiden neutral between two nations.
I am the only remaining daughter of the Carolingian empire
A believer and free for eleven centuries, a believer and free I want to be.
Be the laws of the land my tutors, and my Princes my defenders!

And my Princes my defenders!


Lyrics by Manuel Rui Alves Monteiro
Music by Rui Alberto Vieira Dias Minggas


-Portuguese Lyrics

Ó Pátria, nunca mais esqueceremos
Os heróis do quatro de Fevereiro.
Ó Pátria, nós saudamos os teus filhos
Tombados pela nossa Independência.
Honramos o passado e a nossa História,
Construindo no Trabalho o Homem novo,

(repeat previous two lines)

Angola, avante!
Revolução, pelo Poder Popular!
Pátria Unida, Liberdade,
Um só povo, uma só Nação!

(repeat chorus)

Levantemos nossas vozes libertadas
Para glória dos povos africanos.
Marchemos, combatantes angolanos,
Solidários com os povos oprimidos.
Orgulhosos lutaremos Pela Paz
Com as forças progressistas do mundo.

(repeat previous two lines)

-English Lyrics

O Fatherland, we shall never forget
The heroes of the Fourth of February.
O Fatherland, we salute your sons
Who died for our Independence.
We honor the past and our history
As by our work we build the New Man.
(repeat previous two lines)
Forward, Angola!
Revolution through the power of the People!
A United Country, Freedom,
One People, one Nation!
(repeat chorus)
Let us raise our liberated voices
To the glory of the peoples of Africa.
We shall march, Angolan fighters,
In solidarity with oppressed peoples.
We shall fight proudly for Peace
Along with the progressive forces of the world.
(repeat previous two lines)


Lyrics by Novelle Hamilton Richards
Music by Walter Garnet Picart Chambers


Fair Antigua and Barbuda
We thy sons and daughters stand
Strong and firm in peace or danger,
To safeguard our native land:
Wecommit oursleves to building
A true nation, brave and free!
Ever striving, ever seeking
Dwell in love and unity.

Raise the standard!
Raise it boldly!
Answer now to duty call:
To the service of your country,
Sparing nothing giving all!
Gird your loins and join the battle
Gainst fear hate and poverty:
Each endeavouring, all achieving,
Live in peace where man is free!

God of nations, let thy blessing
Fall upon this land ours
Rain and sunshine ever sending
Fill her fields with crops and flowers:
We, her children do implore thee:
Give us strength, faith, loyalty:
Never failing, all enduring
To defend her liberty.


Lyrics by Vicente Lopez y Planes
Music by Blas Parera



-Spanish Lyrics

Oíd, mortales, el grito sagrado: Libertad, libertad, libertad.
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas,
Ved en trono a la noble igualdad.
Se levanta a la faz de la Tierra
una nueva y gloriosa Nación,
coronada su sien de laureles,
y a sus plantas rendido un león.

CORO Sean eternos los laureles,
que supimos conseguir.
Coronados de gloria vivamos...
o juremos con gloria morir.

De los nuevos campeones los rostros Marte mismo parece animar
la grandeza se anida en sus pechos:
a su marcha todo hacen temblar.
Se conmueven del Inca las tumbas,
y en sus huesos revive el ardor,
lo que va renovando a sus hijos
de la Patria el antiguo esplendor.

Pero sierras y muros se sienten retumbar con horrible fragor:
todo el país se conturba por gritos
de venganza, de guerra y furor.
En los fieros tiranos la envidia
escupió su pestífera hiel;
su estandarte sangriento levantan
provocando a la lid más cruel.

¿No los véis sobre México y Quito arrojarse con saña tenaz
y cuál lloran, bañados en sangre,
Potosí, Cochabamba y La Paz?
¿No los véis sobre el triste Caracas
luto y llantos y muerte esparcir?
¿No los véis devorando cual fieras
todo pueblo que logran rendir?

A vosotros se atreve, argentinos, el orgullo del vil invasor;
vuestros campos ya pisa contando
tantas glorias hollar vencedor.
Mas los bravos, que unidos juraron
su feliz libertad sostener,
a estos tigres sedientos de sangre
fuertes pechos sabrán oponer.

El valiente argentino a las armas corre ardiendo con brío y valor,
el clarín de la guerra, cual trueno,
en los campos del Sud resonó.
Buenos Ayres se opone a la frente
de los pueblos de la ínclita unión,
y con brazos robustos desgarran
al ibérico altivo león.

San José, San Lorenzo, Suipacha, ambas Piedras, Salta y Tucumán,
La Colonia y las mismas murallas
del tirano en la Banda Oriental.
Son letreros eternos que dicen:
aquí el brazo argentino triunfó,
aquí el fiero opresor de la Patria
su cerviz orgullosa dobló.

La victoria al guerrero argentino con sus alas brillante cubrió,
y azorado a su vista el tirano
con infamia a la fuga se dio.
Sus banderas, sus armas se rinden
por trofeos a la libertad,
y sobre alas de gloria alza el pueblo
trono digno a su gran majestad.

Desde un polo hasta el otro resuena de la fama el sonoro clarín,
y de América el nombre enseñando
les repite: "¡Mortales, oíd!:
ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
las Provincias Unidas del Sud".
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡salud!

Sean eternos los laureles que supimos conseguir.
Coronados de gloria vivamos...
¡o juremos con gloria morir!

-English Lyrics

Mortals! Hear the sacred scream: Freedom, freedom, freedom!
Hear the noise of broken chains,
see noble Equality enthroned.
Rises to the heights of the Earth
a new and glorious nation,
its head crowned with laurels,
and at her feet lying a Lion.

CHORUS May the laurels be eternal,
the ones we managed to win.
Let us live crowned with glory...
or swear to die gloriously.

From the new Champions their faces Mars himself seems to encourage
Greatness nestles in their bodies:
at their march they make everything tremble.
The dead Inca are shaken,
and in their bones the ardour revives
which renews their children
of the Motherland the ancient splendour.

Mountain ranges and walls are felt to resound with horrible din:
the whole country is disturbed by cries
of revenge, of war and rage.
In the fiery tyrants the envy
spit the pestipherous bile;
their bloody standard they rise
provoking the most cruel combat.

Don't you see them over Mexico and Quito throwing themselves with tenacious viciousness?
And who they cry, bathed in blood,
Potosi, Cochabamba and La Paz?
Don't you see them over sad Caracas?
spreading mourning and weeping and death?
Don't you see them devouring as wild animals
all people who surrender to them?

To you it dares, Argentines, the pride of the vile invader;
your fields it steps on, retelling
so many glories as winner.
But the brave ones, that united swore
their merry freedom to sustain,
to those blood-thirsty tigers
bold breasts they will know to oppose.

The valiant Argentine to arms runs burning with determination and bravery,
the war bugler, as thunder,
in the fields of the South resounds.

Buenos Ayres opposes, leading
the people of the illustrious Union,
and with robust arms they tear
the arrogant Iberian lion.

San José, San Lorenzo, Suipacha, both Piedras, Salta and Tucumán,
La Colonia and the same walls
of the tyrant in the Banda Oriental.
They are eternal signboards they say:
here the Argentine arm found triumph,
here the fierce oppressor of the Motherland
his proud neck bent.

Victory to the Argentine warrior covered with its brilliant wings,
and embarrassed at this view the tyrant
with infamy took to flight.
Its flags, its arms surrender
as trophies to freedom,
and above wings of glory the people rise
the worthy throne of their great majesty.

From one pole to the other resounds the fame of the sonorous bugler,
and of America the name showing
they repeat "Mortals, hear:
The United Provinces of the South
have now displayed their most honorable throne".
And the free people of the world reply:
"We salute the great people of Argentina!"

May the laurels be eternal, that we knew how to win.
Let us live crowned with glory...
or swear to die gloriously!


-Spanish Lyrics

Oíd, mortales, el grito sagrado: "¡Libertad, libertad, libertad!"
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas,
ved en trono a la noble igualdad.

Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
las Provincias Unidas del Sud
y los libres del mundo responden:
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡Salud!"
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡Salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡Salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"Al gran pueblo argentino, ¡Salud!"

ESTRIBILLO Sean eternos los laureles
que supimos conseguir,
que supimos conseguir.
Coronados de gloria vivamos...
¡o juremos con gloria morir!,
¡o juremos con gloria morir!,
¡o juremos con gloria morir!

-English Lyrics

Hear, mortals, the sacred cry: "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"
Hear the noise of broken chains,
see the noble Equality enthroned.

Their most honorable throne have opened
the United Provinces of the South.
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the Argentine people, hail!"
"To the Argentine people, hail!"
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the Argentine people, hail!"
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the Argentine people, hail!"

CHORUS May the laurels be eternal
the ones we managed to win,
the ones we managed to win.
Let us live crowned in glory...
or let us swear in glory to die!
Or let us swear in glory to die!
Or let us swear in glory to die!


Lyrics by Mikael Nalbandian
Music by barsech Kanachyan


-Armenian Lyrics

Մեր Հայրենիք, ազատ անկախ,
Որ ապրել է դարե դար
Իւր որդիքը արդ կանչում է
Ազատ, անկախ Հայաստան։

Իւր որդիքը արդ կանչում է
Ազատ, անկախ Հայաստան։
Ահա եղբայր քեզ մի դրoշ,
Զոր իմ ձեռքով գործեցի
Գիշերները ես քուն չեղա,
Արտասուքով լվացի։

Գիշերները ես քուն չեղա,
Արտասուքով լուացի։
Նայիր նրան երէք գոյնով,
Նուիրական մէկ նշան
Թող փողփողի թշնամու դէմ
Թող միշտ պանծա Հայաստան։

Թող փողփողի թշնամու դեմ
Թող միշտ պանծա Հայաստան։
Ամենայն տեղ մահը մի է
Մարդ մի անգամ պիտ մեռնի,
Բայց երանի՝ որ իւր ազգի
Ազատութեան կզոհուի։

Բայց երանի՝ որ իւր ազգի
Ազատութեան կզոհուի։
Մեր Հայրենիք, ազատ անկախ,
Որ ապրել է դարէ դար
Իւր որդիքը արդ կանչում է
Ազատ, անկախ Հայաստան։

Իւր որդիքը արդ կանչում է
Ազատ, անկախ Հայաստան։

-Romanian Lyrics

Mer Hayrenik’, azat ankakh,
Vor aprel e dare dar
Yur vordik’ё ard kanch’um e
Azat, ankakh Hayastan.

Yur vordik’ë ard kanch’um e
Azat, ankakh Hayastan.
Aha yeghbayr k’ez mi drosh,
Zor im dzer’k’ov gortsets’i
Gishernerë yes k’un ch’egha,
Artasuk’ov lvats’i.

Gishernerë yes k’un ch’egha,
Artasuk’ov lvats’i.
Nayir nran yerek’ guynov,
Nvirakan mek’ nshan
T’ogh p’oghp’oghi t’shnamu dem
T’ogh misht pantsa Hayastan.

T’ogh p’oghp’oghi t’shnamu dem
T’ogh misht pantsa Hayastan.
Amenayn tegh mahë mi e
Mard mi angam pit mer’ni,
Bayts’ yerani, vor yur azgi
Azatut’yan kzohvi.

Bayts’ yerani, vor yur azgi
Azatut’yan kzohvi.
Mer Hayrenik’, azat ankakh,
Vor aprel e dare dar
Ir vordik’ë ard kanch’um e
Azat, ankakh Hayastan.

Ir vordik’ë ard kanch’um e
Azat, ankakh Hayastan.

-English Lyrics

Our Fatherland, free, independent,
That has for centuries lived,
Is now summoning its sons
To the free, independent Armenia.

Is now summoning its sons
To the free, independent Armenia.
Here is a flag for you, my brother,
That I have sewed
Over the sleepless nights,
And bathed in my tears.

Over the sleepless nights,
And bathed in my tears.
Look at it, tricoloured,
A valuable symbol for us.
Let it shine against the enemy,
Let you, Armenia be glorious forever.

Let it shine against the enemy,
Let you Armenia, be glorious forever.
Death is the same everywhere,
A man dies but once,
Blessed is the one that dies
For the freedom of his nation.

Blessed is the one that dies
For the freedom of his nation.
Our Fatherland, free, independent,
That has for centuries lived,
Is now calling its children
To the free, independent Armenia.

Is now summoning its sons
To the free, independent Armenia.


Lyrics & Music by Peter Dodds McCormick


Verse 1
Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are young and free;
We've golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is girt by sea;
Our land abounds in nature's gifts
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history's page, let every stage
Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.
Verse 2
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We'll toil with hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands;
For those who've come across the seas
We've boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.


Lyrics by Paula von Preradovic
Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


-German Lyrics

Land der Berge, Land am Strome,
Land der Äcker, Land der Dome,
Land der Hämmer zukunftsreich!
Heimat bist du großer Söhne,
Volk begnadet für das Schöne,
Vielgerühmtes Österreich,
Vielgerühmtes Österreich!

Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten,
Liegst dem Erdteil du inmitten
Einem starken Herzen gleich.
Hast seit frühen Ahnentagen
Hoher Sendung Last getragen,
Vielgeprüftes Österreich,
Vielgeprüftes Österreich.

Mutig in die neuen Zeiten,
Frei und gläubig sieh uns schreiten,
Arbeitsfroh und hoffnungsreich.
Einig laß in Bruderchören,
Vaterland, dir Treue schwören.
Vielgeliebtes Österreich,
Vielgeliebtes Österreich.

-English Lyrics

Land of mountains, land on the stream,
Land of fields, land of cathedrals,
Land of hammers, with a promising future,
You are home to great sons,
A nation thrice blessed with beauty,
Much-praised Austria,
Much-praised Austria!

Strongly feuded for, fiercely hard-fought for,
You lie in the middle of the Continent
Like a strong heart,
Since the early days of the ancestors you have
Borne the burden of a high mission,
Much tried Austria,
Much tried Austria.

Bravely towards the new ages
See us striding, free, and faithful,
Assiduous and full of hope,
Unified, in fraternal choirs, let us
Pledge allegiance to you, Fatherland
Much beloved Austria,
Much beloved Austria.


Lyrics by Ahmad Javad
Music by Uzeyir Hajibeyov

-Azerbaijani Lyrics

Azərbaycan! Azərbaycan!
Ey qəhrəman övladın şanlı Vətəni!
Səndən ötrü can verməyə cümlə hazırız!
Səndən ötrü qan tökməyə cümlə qadiriz!
Üç rəngli bayrağınla məsud yaşa!
Üç rəngli bayrağınla məsud yaşa!
Minlərlə can qurban oldu,
Sinən hərbə meydan oldu!
Hüququndan keçən əsgər!
Hərə bir qəhrəman oldu!
Sən olasan gülüstan,
Sənə hər an can qurban!
Sənə min bir məhəbbət
Sinəmdə tutmuş məkan!
Namusunu hifz etməyə,
Bayrağını yüksəltməyə,
Namusunu hifz etməyə,
Cümlə gənclər müştaqdır!
Şanlı Vətən! Şanlı Vətən!
Azərbaycan! Azərbaycan!
Azərbaycan! Azərbaycan!

-English Lyrics

Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan!
Cherished land of valiant sons,
We are ready to give our heart and life for you.
All of us can give our blood for you.
Live happily with your three-colored banner.
Live happily with your three-colored banner.
Thousands of souls were sacrificed for you.
Your chest became a battlefield.
Soldiers who deprived themselves of their lives,
Each of them became a hero.
May you become a flourishing garden.
We are ready to give our heart and soul for you.
A thousand and one endearments are in my heart.
And uphold your honor.
To raise your banner,
And uphold your honor,
All the youth are eager.
Cherished land, Cherished land.
Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan!
Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan!


Lyrics and Music by Timothy Gibson


Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland;
March on to glory, your bright banners waving high.
See how the world marks the manner of your bearing!
Pledge to excel through love and unity.
Pressing onward, march together
to a common loftier goal;
Steady sunward, tho' the weather
hide the wide and treachrous shoal.
Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland,
'Til the road you've trod lead unto your God,
March on, Bahamaland. 


Lyrics by Mohamed Suqdi Ayyash
Music by Unknown, rearranged by Ahmed Al-Jumairi


-Arabic Lyrics
رمز الوئام
دستورها عالي المكانة والمقام
ميثاقها نهج الشريعة والعروبة والقيم
عاشت مملكة البحرين
بلد الكرام
مهد السلام
دستورها عالي المكانة والمقام
ميثاقها نهج الشريعة والعروبة والقيم
عاشت مملكة البحرين

-Romanian Lyrics

Ramz al-wi'ām
Dustūruhā 'alī al-makanah wal-maqām
Mīthāquhā nahj ash-shari'ah wal-'urūbah wal-qiyam
Ashat mamlakah al-Baḥrain
Balad al-kirām
Mahd as-salām
Dustūruhā 'alī al-makanah wal-maqām
Mīthāquhā nahj ash-shari'ah wal-'urūbah wal-qiyam
Ashat mamlakah al-Baḥrain

-English Lyrics

Our Bahrain
Our King
A symbol of harmony
Its constitution is high in the place and the position
Its charter is the way of (method of) sharia, Arabism and the values
Long live the Kingdom of Bahrain
Country of nobles
Cradle of peace
Its constitution is high in the place and the position
Its charter is the way of (method of) sharia, Arabism and the values
Long live the kingdom of Bahrain


Lyrics and Music by Rabindranath Tagore


-Bengali Lyrics

আমার সোনার বাংলা আমার সোনার বাংলা,
আমি তোমায় ভালবাসি।

চিরদিন তোমার আকাশ,
তোমার বাতাস
আমার প্রাণে বাজায় বাঁশি।

ও মা,
ফাগুনে তোর আমের বনে
ঘ্রানে পাগল করে--
মরি হায়, হায় রে
ও মা,
অঘ্রানে তোর ভরা খেতে,
আমি কি দেখেছি মধুর হাসি।।

কি শোভা কি ছায়া গো,
কি স্নেহ কি মায়া গো--
কি আঁচল বিছায়েছ
বটের মূলে,
নদীর কূলে কূলে।

মা, তোর মুখের বাণী
আমার কানে লাগে
সুধার মতো--
মরি হায়, হায় রে
মা, তোর বদনখানি মলিন হলে
আমি নয়ন জলে ভাসি।।

-Romanian Lyrics

Amar Sonar Bangla Amar sonar Bangla,
Ami tomae bhalobashi.

Chirodin tomar akash,
Tomar batash,
Amar prane bajae bãshi.

O ma,
Phagune tor amer bone
Ghrane pagol kôre,
Mori hae, hae re,
O ma,
Ôghrane tor bhôra khete
Ami ki dekhechhi modhur hashi.

Ki shobha, ki chhaea go,
Ki sneho, ki maea go,
Ki ãchol bichhaeechho
Bôţer mule,
Nodir kule kule!

Ma, tor mukher bani
Amar kane lage,
Shudhar môto,
Mori hae, hae re,
Ma, tor bôdonkhani molin hole,
Ami nôeon jôle bhashi.

-English Lyrics

My beloved Bengal My Bengal of Gold,
I love you.

Forever your skies,
Your air set my heart in tune
As if it were a flute.

In spring, O mother mine,
The fragrance from your mango groves
Makes me wild with joy,
Ah, what a thrill!
In autumn, O mother mine,
In the full blossomed paddy fields
I have seen spread all over sweet smiles.

Ah, what beauty, what shades,
What an affection, and what tenderness!
What a quilt have you spread
At the feet of banyan trees
And along the banks of rivers!

O mother mine, words from your lips
Are like nectar to my ears.
Ah, what a thrill!
If sadness, O mother mine,
Casts a gloom on your face,
My eyes are filled with tears!


Lyrics by Irving Burgie
Music by C. Van Roland Edwards 


In plenty and in time of need
When this fair land was young
Our brave forefathers sowed the seed
From which our pride was sprung
A pride that makes no wanton boast
Of what it has withstood
That binds our hearts from coast to coast
The pride of nationhood

We loyal sons and daughters all
Do hereby make it known
These fields and hills beyond recall
Are now our very own
We write our names on history's page
With expectations great
Strict guardians of our heritage
Firm craftsmen of our fate

The Lord has been the people's guide
For past three hundred years.
With Him still on the people's side
We have no doubts or fears.
Upward and onward we shall go,
Inspired, exulting, free,
And greater will our nation grow
In strength and unity.



1955 (music)
2002 (lyrics)
Lyrics by Mikhas Klimkovich
Music by Niescier Sakalouski 



-Belarusian Lyrics

Мы, беларусы – мірныя людзі,
Сэрцам адданыя роднай зямлі,
Шчыра сябруем, сілы гартуем
Мы ў працавітай, вольнай сям'і.

Прыпеў: Слаўся, зямлі нашай светлае імя, Слаўся, народаў братэрскі саюз! Наша любімая маці-Радзіма, Вечна жыві і квітней, Беларусь! (Repeat last two lines)'
Разам з братамі мужна вякамі
Мы баранілі родны парог,
У бітвах за волю, бітвах за долю
Свой здабывалі сцяг перамог!

Дружба народаў – сіла народаў —
Наш запаветны, сонечны шлях.
Горда ж узвіся ў ясныя высі,
Сцяг пераможны – радасці сцяг!


-Latin Lyrics

My, biełarusy – mirnyja ludzi,
Sercam addanyja rodnaj ziamli.
Ščyra siabrujem, siły hartujem
My ŭ pracavitaj, volnaj siamji!

Prypieŭ: Słaŭsia ziamli našaj śvietłaje imia, Słaŭsia, narodaŭ braterski sajuz! Naša lubimaja maci-Radzima, Viečna žyvi i kvitniej, Bełaruś! (Repeat last two lines)
Razam z bratami mužna viakami
My baranili rodny paroh,
Ŭ bitvach za volu, bitvach za dolu
Svoj zdabyvali ściah pieramoh!

Družba narodaŭ – siła narodaŭ —
Naš zapavietny, soniečny šlach.
Horda ž uźvisia ŭ jasnyja vysi,
Ściah pieramožny – radaści ściah!


-English Lyrics

We, Belarusians, are peaceful people,
Wholeheartedly devoted to our Motherland.
We are faithful friends, growing up and
Living in a hardworking and independent family.

Refrain Glory to the blessed name of our land! Glory to the brotherly union of people! O Our beloved Motherland, May you live and prosper – Belarus! (Repeat Last two lines)
Together with our brothers, for centuries we
Courageously defended our home’s threshold.
We won our banners of victory
In battles for freedom and our lot!

Peoples’ friendship is peoples’ strength and
Our sacred sunlit way.
Fly proudly in the clear skies,
The banner of victory, the banner of sunshine!



Lyrics by Jenneval (Louis-Alexandre Dechet)
Music by Francois Van Kampenhout


First Version(end of august 1830)

Dignes enfants de la Belgique
Qu’un beau délire a soulevé,
À votre élan patriotique
De grand succès sont réservés.
Restons armés que rien ne change !
Gardons la même volonté,
Et nous verrons refleurir l’Orange
Sur l’arbre de la Liberté.
Aux cris de meurtre et de pillage,
Des méchants s’étaient rassemblés,
Mais votre énergique courage
Loin de vous les a refoulés.
Maintenant, purs de cette fange
Qui flétrissait votre cité,
Amis, il faut greffer l’Orange
Sur l’arbre de la Liberté.
Et toi, dans qui ton peuple espère,
Nassau, consacre enfin nos droits ;
Des Belges en restant le père
Tu seras l’exemple des rois.
Abjure un ministre étrange,
Rejette un nom trop détesté,
Et tu verras mûrir l’Orange
Sur l’arbre de la Liberté.
Mais malheur, si, de l’arbitraire
Protégeant les affreux projets,
Sur nous du canon sanguinaire,
Tu venais lancer les boulets !
Alors tout est fini, tout change,
Plus de pacte, plus de traité,
Et tu verras tomber l’Orange
De l’arbre de la Liberté.

Second version(end september 1830)

Qui l’aurait cru ? …de l’arbitraire
Consacrant les affreux projets,
Sur nous de l’airain militaire
Un prince a lancé les boulets.
C’en est fait ! Oui, Belges, tout change,
Avec Nassau plus d’indigne traité !
La mitraille a brisé l’Orange
Sur l’arbre de la Liberté.
Trop généreuse en sa colère,
La Belgique, vengeant ses droits,
D’un roi, qu’elle appelait son père,
N’implorait que de justes lois.
Mais lui dans sa fureur étrange,
Par le canon que son fils a pointé,
Au sang belge a noyé l’Orange
Sous l’arbre de la Liberté.
Fiers brabançons, peuples de braves,
Qu’on voit combattre sans fléchir,
Du sceptre honteux des Bataves,
Tes balles sauront t’affranchir.
Sur Bruxelles, au pied de l’archange,
Ton saint drapeau pour jamais est planté,
Et, fier de verdir sans l’Orange,
Croît l’arbre de la Liberté.
Et vous, objets de nobles larmes,
Braves, morts au feu des cannons,
Avant que la patrie en armes
Ait pu connaître au moins vos noms,
Sous l’humble terre où l’on vous range,
Dormez, martyrs, bataillon indompté !
Dormez en paix, loin de l’Orange,
Sous l’arbre de la Liberté.

third version (1860)

Après des siècles et des siècles d'esclavage,
Le Belge sortant du tombeau
A reconquis par sa force et son courage
Son nom, ses droits et son drapeau.
Et ta main souveraine et fière,
Désormais, peuple indompté,
Grava sur ta vieille bannière :
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Grava sur ta vieille bannière :
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !

French language official text

Ô Belgique, ô mère chérie,
À toi nos cœurs, à toi nos bras,
À toi notre sang, ô Patrie !
Nous le jurons tous, tu vivras !
Tu vivras toujours grande et belle
Et ton invincible unité
Aura pour devise immortelle :
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Aura pour devise immortelle :
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !

Dutch language official text

O dierbaar België, O heilig land der Vad'ren,
Onze ziel en ons hart zijn u gewijd.
Aanvaard ons kracht en bloed van ons ad'ren,
Wees ons doel in arbeid en in strijd.
Bloei, o land, in eendracht niet te breken;
Wees immer uzelf en ongeknecht,
Het woord getrouw, dat g' onbevreesd moogt spreken,
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht!
Het woord getrouw, dat g' onbevreesd moogt spreken,
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht!
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht!
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht!

German language official text

O liebes Land, o Belgiens Erde,
Dir unser Herz, Dir unsere Hand,
Dir unser Blut, dem Heimatherde,
wir schworen's Dir, o Vaterland!
So blühe froh in voller Schöne,
zu der die Freiheit Dich erzog,
und fortan singen Deine Söhne:
"Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch!"
und fortan singen Deine Söhne:
"Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch!"
"Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch!"
"Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch!"

Wallon version

Po nosse Beldjike, nosse firté, nosse bele Patreye,
S' il est reki, ci djoû la, nos mourrans !
Li Liberté våt k' on sacrifeye si veye,
Po-z è leyî profiter nos efants !
Dins nozôtes, k' est vaici, i gn a pont d’ låtches,
So nos tertos, nosse payis pout conter !
Flaminds, Walons, tchantans, tchaeke e s’ lingaedje :
Li Rwè, li Lwè et l’ Liberté !
S' i sorvénreut, come mwints côps e noste istwere,
K' on mwais vijhén nos vôreut ocuper,
Maké po d’ bon, l' fayé recourrè sins glwere
Et pus djamåy, i n' oizrè nous ataker !
On Bedje n' est nén fwait po esse on sclåve,
I gn a måy yeu nolu a nos dompter.
Flaminds, Walons, les Bedjes sont les pus bråves,
Cezår li djheut et nos plans co tchanter :
Li Rwè, li Lwè et l’ Liberté !

Poetic English Translation of the French Version

Noble Belgium - forever a dear land -
You, our hearts and our arms, we give.
With pure blood split for you, Fatherland
We swear with one cry - You will live!
You will live, great and beautiful,
As shall ever your unity
As is your emblem immortal -
For King, Justice and Liberty!
As is your emblem immortal -
For King, Justice and Liberty!
For King, Justice and Liberty!
For King, Justice and Liberty!


Lyrics by Samuel Alfred Haynes
Music by Selwyn Walfred Young


O. Land of the Free by the Carib Sea,
Our manhood we pledge to thy liberty!
No tyrants here linger, despots must flee
This tranquil haven of democracy
The blood of our sires which hallows the sod,
Brought freedom from slavery oppression's rod,
By the might of truth and the grace of God,
No longer shall we be hewers of wood.
Arise! ye sons of the Baymen's clan,
Put on your armour, clear the land!
Drive back the tyrants, let despots flee -
Land of the Free by the Carib Sea!
Nature has blessed thee with wealth untold,
O'er mountains and valleys where prairies roll;
Our fathers, the Baymen, valiant and bold
Drove back the invader; this heritage hold
From proud Rio Hondo to old Sarstoon,
Through coral isle, over blue lagoon;
Keep watch with the angels, the stars and moon;
For freedom comes tomorrow's noon.
Arise! ye sons of the Baymen's clan,
Put on your armour, clear the land!
Drive back the tyrants, let despots flee -
Land of the Free by the Carib Sea!


Lyrics & Music by Gilbert Jean Dagnon

-French Lyrics

Jadis à son appel, nos aïeux sans faiblesse
Ont su avec courage, ardeur, pleins d'allégresse
Livrer au prix du sang des combats éclatants.
Accourez vous aussi, bâtisseurs du présent,
Plus forts dans l'unité, chaqu'jour à la tâche,
Pour la postérité, construisez sans relâche.

Enfants du Bénin, debout!
La liberté d'un cri sonore
Chante aux premiers feux de l'aurore;
Enfants du Bénin, debout!

Quand partout souffle un vent de colère et de haine.
Béninois, sois fier, et d'une âme sereine,
Confiant dans l'avenir, regarde ton drapeau!
Dans le vert tu liras l'espor du renouveau,
De tes aïeux le rouge évoque le courage;
Des plus riches trésors le jaune est le présage.

Tes monts ensoleillés, tes palmiers, ta verdure,
Cher Bénin, partout font ta vive parure.
Ton sol offre à chacun la richesse des fruits.
Bénin, désormais que tes fils tous unis
D'un fraternel élan partagent l'espérance
De te voir à jamais heureux dans l'abondance.


-English Lyrics

Formerly, at her call, our ancestors
Knew how to engage in mighty battles
With strength, courage, ardour, and full of joy, but at the price of blood.
Builders of present, you too, join forces
Each day for the task stronger in unity.
Build without ceasing for posterity.

Children of Benin, arise!
The resounding cry of freedom
Is heard at the first light of dawn,
Children of Benin, arise!

When all around there blows a wind of anger and hate:
Citizen of Benin be proud, and in a calm spirit
Trusting in the future, behold your flag!
In the green you read hope of spring;
The red signifies the courage of your ancestors;
The yellow foretells the greatest treasures.

Beloved Benin, your sunny mountains, palm trees, and green pastures
Show everywhere your brightness;
Your soil offers everyone the richest fruits.
Benin, from henceforth your sons are united
With one brotherly spirit sharing the hope of seeing you
Enjoy abundance and happiness forever.



Lyrics by Dasho Gyaldun Thinley
Music by Aku Tongmi

-Dzhongka Lyrics


-Romanian Lyrics

Druk tsenden koipi gyelkhap na
Pel loog nig tensi chongwai gyon
Druk ngadhak gyelpo rinpoche
Ku jurmey tenching chhap tsid pel
Chho sangye tenpa darshing gyel
Bang deykyed nyima shar warr sho.

-English Lyrics

In the Kingdom of Druk, where cypresses grow
Refuge of the glorious monastic and civil traditions,
The King of Druk, precious sovereign,
His being is eternal, his reign prosperous
The enlightenment teachings thrive and flourish
May the people shine like the sun of peace and happiness!


Lyrics by Jose Ignaciode Sanjines
Music by Leopoldo Benedetto Vincenti


-Spanish Lyrics

Bolivianos: el hado propicio coronó nuestros votos y anhelos.
Es ya libre, ya libre este suelo,
ya cesó su servil condición.
Al estruendo marcial que ayer fuera
y al clamor de la guerra horroroso,
siguen hoy, en contraste armonioso,
dulces himnos de paz y de unión.
Siguen hoy, en contraste armonioso,
dulces himnos de paz y de unión.

De la Patria, el alto nombre, en glorioso esplendor conservemos. Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos: ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir!

Loor eterno a los bravos guerreros,
cuyo heroico valor y firmeza,
conquistaron las glorias que empieza
hoy Bolivia feliz a gozar.
Que sus nombres, en mármol y en bronce,
a remotas edades transmitan,
y en sonoros cantares repitan:
¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!
Y en sonoros cantares repitan:
¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!

De la Patria, el alto nombre, en glorioso esplendor conservemos. Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos: ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir!

Aquí alzó la justicia su trono
que la vil opresión desconoce,
y en su timbre glorioso legose
libertad, libertad, libertad.
Esta tierra inocente y hermosa
que ha debido a Bolívar su nombre
es la patria feliz donde el hombre
goza el bien de la dicha y la paz.
Es la patria feliz donde el hombre
goza el bien de la dicha y la paz.

De la Patria, el alto nombre, en glorioso esplendor conservemos. Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos: ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir!

Si extranjero poder alqún día
sojuzgar a Bolivia intentare,
al destino fatal se prepare
que amenaza a soberbio invasor.
Que los hijos del grande Bolívar
hayan mil y mil veces jurado:
morir antes que ver humillado
de la Patria el augusto pendón.
Morir antes que ver humillado
de la Patria el augusto pendón.

De la Patria, el alto nombre, en glorioso esplendor conservemos. Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos: ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir!

-English Lyrics

Bolivians, a most favorable destiny has at long last crowned our vows and longings;
This land is free, free at last.
Its servile state has now finally ceased.
The martial turmoil of yesterday,
and the horrible clamor of war,
are followed today, in harmonious contrast,
by sweet hymns of peace and unity.
Are followed today, in harmonious contrast,
by sweet hymns of peace and unity.

Let us keep the lofty name of our country in glorious splendor. And, on its altars, once more we must swear: to die before we would live as slaves. To die before we would live as slaves. To die before we would live as slaves.

Eternal praise to the brave warriors
whose heroic valor and firmness
conquered the freedom and glories that now
a happy Bolivia justly begins to enjoy!
Let their names, preserved forever in marble and bronze,
transmit their glory to remote future ages.
And in resounding song let them repeat their simple call:
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
And in resounding song let them repeat their simple call:
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

Let us keep the lofty name of our country in glorious splendor. And, on its altars, once more we must swear: to die before we would live as slaves. To die before we would live as slaves. To die before we would live as slaves.

Here has Justice erected its Throne
which vile oppression ignores
and, on its glorious stamp let us rejoice
Freedom, freedom, freedom
This innocent and beautiful land,
which owes its name to Bolívar,
is the happy homeland where mankind
enjoys the benefits of good fortune and peace.
Is the happy homeland where mankind
enjoys the benefits of good fortune and peace.

Let us keep the lofty name of our country in glorious splendor. And, on its altars, once more we must swear: to die before we would live as slaves. To die before we would live as slaves. To die before we would live as slaves.

If a foreigner may, any given day
even attempt to subjugate Bolivia,
let him prepare for a fatal destiny,
which menaces such brave aggressor.
For the sons of the mighty Bolívar
have sworn, thousands upon thousands of times,
to die rather than see the country's
majestic banner humiliated.
To die rather than see the country's
majestic banner humiliated.

Let us keep the lofty name of our country in glorious splendor. And, on its altars, once more we must swear: to die before we would live as slaves. To die before we would live as slaves. To die before we would live as slaves.


Also known as Intermecco
Lyrics by Dusan Sestic & Benjamin Isovic 
Music by Dusan Sestic


-Bosnian/Croatian Lyrics

Ti si svjetlost duše
Vječne vatre plam
Majko naša zemljo
Tebi pripadam

U srcu su tvoje
Rijeke, planine
Plavo more
Bosne i Hercegovine

Ponosna i slavna
Zemljo predaka
Živjećeš u srcu našem

Pokoljenja tvoja
Kazuju jedno:
Mi idemo u budućnost

-Serbian Lyrics

Ти си свјетлост душе
Вјечне ватре плам
Мајко наша земљо
Теби припадам

У срцу су твоје
Ријеке, планине
Плаво море
Босне и Херцеговине

Поносна и славна
Земљо предака
Живјећеш у срцу нашем

Покољења твоја
Казују једно:
Ми идемо у будућност

-English Lyrics

You're the light of the soul
Eternal fire's flame
Mother of ours, land of Bosnia
I belong to you

In the heart are yours
Rivers, mountains
Blue sea
Of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Proud and famous
Land of ancestors
You shall live in our hearts
Ever more

Generations of yours
Show up one:
We go into the future


Lyrics & Music by Kgamelang Tumedisco Motsete


-Setswana Lyrics

Fatshe leno la rona,
Ke mpho ya Modimo,
Ke boswa jwa borraetsho;
A le nne ka kagiso.

Tsogang, tsogang! banna, tsogang!
Emang, basadi, emang, tlhagafalang!
Re kopaneleng go direla
Lefatshe la rona.

Ina lentle la tumo
La chaba ya Botswana,
Ka kutlwano le kagisano,
E bopagantswe mmogo.


-English Lyrics

Blessed be this noble land,
Gift to us from God's strong hand,
Heritage our fathers left to us.
May it always be at peace.

CHORUS: Awake, awake, O men, awake!
And women close beside them stand,
Together we'll work and serve
This land, this happy land!

Word of beauty and of fame,
The name Botswana to us came.
Through our unity and harmony,
We'll remain at peace as one.



1831 (Brazilian Empire)
1890 (Brazilian Republic)
Lyrics by Joaquim Osorio Duque Estrada
Music by Francisco Manuel da Silva)


-Portuguese Lyrics

Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heróico o brado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade

Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!

Ó Pátria amada,

Salve! Salve!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,

De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.

Gigante pela própria natureza,

És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.

Terra adorada

Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo

És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,

Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido,
Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo,
Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América,
Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo!

Do que a terra mais garrida

Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores,
"Nossos bosques têm mais vida",
"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores". (*)

Ó Pátria amada,

Salve! Salve!

Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo

O lábaro que ostentas estrelado,
E diga o verde-louro dessa flâmula
- Paz no futuro e glória no passado.

Mas se ergues da justiça a clava forte,

Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta,
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte.

Terra adorada

Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo

És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,

-English Lyrics

From Ipiranga, the placid banks heard
the resounding cry of a heroic people
and in shining rays, the sun of liberty
shone in our homeland's skies at this very moment.

If the assurance of this equality

we achieved by our mighty arms,
in thy bosom, O freedom,
our chest shall defy death itself!

O beloved,

idolized homeland,
Hail, hail!

Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray

of love and hope descends to earth
if in thy lovely, smiling and clear skies
the image of the (Southern) Cross shines resplendently.

Giant by thine own nature,

thou art beautiful, thou art strong, an intrepid colossus,
and thy future mirrors thy greatness.

Beloved Land

amongst a thousand others
art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland!

To the sons of this land

thou art a gentle mother,
beloved homeland,

Eternally laid on a splendid cradle,
by the sound of the sea and the light of the deep sky,
thou shinest, O Brazil, garland of America,
illuminated by the sun of the New World!

Than the most elegant land abroad,

thy smiling, pretty prairies have more flowers
"Our meadows have more life",
"our life" in thy bosom "more love". (*)

O beloved,

idolized homeland,
Hail, hail!

Brazil, of eternal love be the symbol

the starred banner thou showest forth
and proclaim the laurel-green of thy pennant
'Peace in the future and glory in the past.'

But if thou raisest the strong gavel of Justice,

thou wilt see that a son of thine flees not from battle,
nor does he who loves thee fear death itself.

Beloved Land,

amongst a thousand others
art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland!

To the sons of this land

thou art a gentle mother,
beloved homeland,

(*) The passages in quotation marks were extracted from Gonçalves Dias' poem Exile Song (Canção do Exílio).


Lyrics by Pengiran Haji Mohamed Yusuf bin Pengiran Abdul Rahim
Music by Haji Awang Besar bin Sagap

-Jawi Lyrics

يا الله لنجوتكنله اوسيا
كباوه دولي يڠ مها مليا
عاديل بردولت منأوڠي نوسا
مميمڤين رعية ککل بهاڬيا
هيدوڤ سنتوسا نڬارا دان سلطان
الهي سلامتكن بروني دارالسلام

-Romanian Lyrics

Ya Allah lanjutkanlah Usia
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia
Adil berdaulat menaungi nusa
Memimpin rakyat kekal bahagia
Hidup sentosa Negara dan Sultan
Ilahi selamatkan Brunei Darussalam

-English Lyrics

O God, Bless and give a long live
To His Majesty, The King
(May he) Rule Justly over the Realm in Majesty
And Lead Our People (into) Eternal Happiness
(May) peacefully The Kingdom and Sultan live
O Lord, May you Save Brunei, The Abode of Peace


Lyrics & Music by Tsevetan Radoslavov


-Bulgarian Lyrics

Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей,
слънце Тракия огрява,
над Пирина пламеней.
Припев: (2 пъти)
Mила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край
Паднаха борци безчет,
за народа наш любим,
майко, дай ни мъжка сила,
пътя им да продължим.*

-Romanian Lyrics

Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей,
слънце Тракия огрява,
над Пирина пламеней.
Припев: (2 пъти)
Mила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край
Паднаха борци безчет,
за народа наш любим,
майко, дай ни мъжка сила,
пътя им да продължим.*

-English Lyrics 

Proud Balkan Mountains,
next to it the Danube sparkles,
the sun shines over Thrace,
and blazes over Pirin.
Refrain: (twice)
Dear Motherland,
you are heaven on earth,
your beauty, your loveliness,
ah, they are boundless.
Countless fighters died,
for our beloved nation,
mother, give us manly strength
to continue their path.*

During Communist rule, an additional verse was added that referred to Moscow (under direct instructions of Todor Zhivkov) and the Bulgarian Communist Party. After the changes in 1989, that part of the anthem was removed.


Lyrics & Music by Thomas Sankara


French Lyrics

Contre la férule humiliante il y a déjà mille ans,
La rapacité venue de loin les asservir il y a cent ans.
Contre la cynique malice métamorphosée
En néocolonialisme et ses petits servants locaux
Beaucoup flanchèrent et certains résistèrent.
Mais les échecs, les succès, la sueur, le sang
Ont fortifié notre peuple courageux et fertilisé sa lutte héroïque.

Et une seule nuit a rassemblée en elle
L'histoire de tout un peuple.
Et une seule nuit a déclenché sa marche triomphale
Vers l'horizon du bonheur.
Une seule nuit a réconcilié notre peuple
Avec tous les peuples du monde,
A la conquête de la liberté et du progrès
La Patrie ou la mort, nous vaincrons !

Nourris à la source vive de la Révolution.
Les engagés volontaires de la liberté et de la paix
Dans l'énergie nocturne et salutaire du 4 août
N'avaient pas que les armes à la main, mais aussi et surtout
La flamme au coeur pour légitimement libérer
Le Faso à jamais des fers de tous ceux qui
Çà et, là en poluaient l'âme sacrée de l'indépendance, de la souveraineté.

Et séant désormais en sa dignité recouvrée
L'amour et l'honneur en partage avec l'humanité,
Le peuple du Burkina chante un hymne à la victoire,
A la gloire du travail libérateur, émancipateur.
A bas l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme!
Hé en avant pour le bonheur de tout homme,
Par tous les hommes aujourd'hui et demain, par tous les hommes ici et pour toujours!

Révolution populaire notre sève nourricière.
Maternité immortelle du progrès à visage d'homme.
Foyer éternel de démocratie consensuelle,
Où enfin l'identité nationale a droit de cité,
Où pour toujours l'injustice perd ses quartiers,
Et où, des mains des bâtisseurs d'un monde radieux
Mûrissent partout les moissons de væux patriotiques, brillent les soleils infinis de joie.


English Translation

Against the humiliating bondage of a thousand years
Rapacity came from afar to subjugate them for a hundred years.
Against the cynical malice in the shape
Of neo-colonialism and its petty local servants.
Many gave in and certain others resisted.
But the frustrations, the successes, the sweat, the blood
Have fortified our courageous people and fertilized its heroic struggle.

And one single night has drawn together
The history of an entire people,
And one single night has launched its triumphal march.
Towards the horizon of good fortune.
One single night has brought together our people
With all the peoples of the World,
In the acquisition of liberty and progress.
Motherland or death, we shall conquer.

Nourished in the lively source of the Revolution,
The volunteers for liberty and peace
With their nocturnal and beneficial energies of the 4th of August
Had not only hand arms, but also and above all
The flame in their hearts lawfully to free
Faso forever from the fetters of those who
Here and there were polluting the sacred soul of independence and sovereignty.

And seated henceforth in rediscovered dignity,
Love and honour partnered with humanity,
The people of Burkina sing a victory hymn
To the glory of the work of liberation and emancipation.
Down with exploitation of man by man!
Forward for the good of every man
By all men of today and tomorrow, by every man here and always!

Popular revolution our nourishing sap.
Undying motherhood of progress in the face of man.
Eternal hearth of agreed democracy,
Where at last national identity has the right of freedom.
Where injustice has lost its place forever,
And where from the hands of builders of a glorious world
Everywhere the harvests of patriotic vows ripen and suns of boundless joy shine.



Lyrics & Music by Saya Tin

Burmese Lyrics

(IPA Transcription)
ɡəbà mətʃè mjàɴmà pjè
do̰ bó bwá ʔəmwè siʔ mo̰ tʃʰiʔ mjaʔ nó bè
pjì dàuɴ zṵ ɡò ʔəθeʔ pé lo̰ do̰ kà ɡwɛ̀ məlè
dà do̰ pjè dà do̰ mjè do̰ pàiɴ neʔ mjè
do̰ pjè do̰ mjè ʔətʃó ɡò
ɲì ɲà zwà do̰ dədwè tʰáɴ sʰàuɴ bà so̰ lè
do̰ tà wàɴ pè ʔəpʰó dàɴ mjè
(MLC Transcription)
kam.bha ma.kye / mran.ma prany /
tui. bhui: bwa: a.mwe cac mui. hkyac mrat nui: pe //
prany htaung su. kui a.sak pe: lui. tui. ka kwai ma.le /
da tui. prany da tui. mre to. puing nak mre //
tui. prany tui. mre a.kyui: kui
nyi nya cwa tui. ta.twe htam: hsaung pa sui. le
to. ta wan pe a. hpui: tan mre //
English Translation

Until the world ends up shattering, long lives Burma!
We love our land because this is our real inheritance.
We will sacrifice our lives to protect our country.
This is our nation, this is our land and it belongs to us.
Being our nation and our land, let us do good causes to our nation in unity!
And, this is our very duty to our invaluable land.


Lyrics by Jean-Baptiste Nitahokaja & others
Music by Marc Bayengayabo

Kirundi Lyrics

Burundi bwacu, Burundi buhire,
Shinga icumu mu mashinga,
Gaba intahe y'ubugabo ku bugingo.
Warapfunywe ntiwapfuye,
Warahabishijwe ntiwahababuka,
Uhagurukana, uhagurukana, uhagurukana, ubugabo urikukira.
Komerwamashyi n'amakungu,
Habwa impundu nabawe,
Isamirane mu mashinga, isamirane mu mashinga,

Burundi bwacu, ragi ry'abasokuru,
Ramutswa intahe n'ibihugu,
Ufatanije ishaka n'ubuhizi;
Vuza impundu wiganzuye uwakuganza uwakuganza.

Burundi bwacu, nkoramutima kuri twese,
Tugutuye amaboko, umitima n'ubuzima,
Imana yakuduhaye ikudutungire.
Horana ubumwe n'abagabo n'itekane.
Sagwa n'urweze, sagwa n'amahoro meza.

Kirundi Lyrics (utwatuzo)

Burŭndi Bwâcu, Burŭndi buhĭre,
Shīnga icúmu mu mashīnga,
Gaba intăhe y'úbugabo ku bugīngo.
Warápfunywe ntiwapfûye,
Waráhabīshijwe ntiwahababuka,
Uhagurukana, uhagurukana, uhagurukana, ubugabo urîkukira.
Komerwa amáshi n'ámakūngu,
Hābwa impŭndu n'âbâwe,
Isāmírane mu mashīnga, isāmírane mu mashīnga.

Burŭndi bwâcu, rági ry'ábasôkúru,
Ramutswa intăhe n'íbihúgu,
Ufatánije ishaka n'ubúhizi;
Vuza impŭndu wĭgānzūye uwakúgānza uwakúgānza.

Burŭndi bwâcu, nkóramútima kurí twëse,
Tugutūye amabóko, umutima n'úbuzima,
Imâna yakúduhāye ikudútūngire.
Horana ubúmwe n'ábagabo n'ítĕkāne.
Sāgwa n'úrwĕze, sāgwa n'ámahóro mēzá.

English Translation

Our Burundi, gentle country,
Take your place in the concert of nations,
Acceding to independence with honourable intentions.
Wounded and bruised, you have remained master of yourself.

When the hour came, you arose,
Lifting yourself proudly into the ranks of free peoples.
Receive, then, the congratulations of the nations
And the homage of your sons and daughters.
May your name ring out through the universe.

Our Burundi, sacred heritage from our forefathers,
Recognized as worthy of self-government,
With your courage you also have a sense of honour.
Sing the glory of liberty conquered again.

Our Burundi, worthy of our tenderest love,
We vow to your noble service our hands and hearts and lives.
May God, who gave you to us, keep you for us to venerate,
Under the shield of unity,
In peace, joy and prosperity.


Lyrics by Chuon Nat
Music by F. Perruchot / J. Jekyll

Khmer Lyrics

1st verse
សូមពួកទេវត្តា រក្សាមហាក្សត្រយើង

អោយបានរុងរឿង ដោយជ័យមង្គលសិរីសួស្តី
យើងខ្ញុំព្រះអង្គ សូមជ្រកក្រោមម្លប់ព្រះបារមី
នៃព្រះនរបតី វង្សក្សត្រាដែលសាងប្រាសាទថ្ម
គ្រប់គ្រងដែនខ្មែរ បុរាណថ្កើងថ្កាន។

2nd verse
ប្រាសាទសីលា កំបាំងកណ្តាលព្រៃ

គួរអោយស្រមៃ នឹកដល់យសស័ក្តិមហានគរ
យើងសង្ឃឹមពរ ភ័ព្វព្រេងសំណាងរបស់កម្ពុជា
មហារដ្ឋកើតមាន យូរអង្វែងហើយ។

3rd verse
គ្រប់វត្តអារាម ឮតែសូរស័ព្ទធម៌
សូត្រដោយអំណរ រំឮកគុណពុទ្ធសាសនា
ចូរយើងជាអ្នក ជឿជាក់ស្មោះស្ម័គ្រតាមបែបដូនតា
គង់តែទេវត្តានឹងជួយជ្រោមជ្រែង ផ្គត់ផ្គង់ប្រយោជន៍ឱយ
ដល់ប្រទេសខ្មែរ ជាមហានគរ។

Teesam Lyrics

Som puok tepda rak sa moha ksat yeung
Oy ban roung roeung doy gey monkol srey soursdey

Yeung Knom preah ong som jrok Krom molup preah Bar a ro mey
Ney preah Noropdey wong Khsat tra del sang preah sat thmr
Kroup Kraung dan Khmer bor ann tkoeung tkan.

Pra sat se la kom bang kan dal prey
Kuor oy srmay noeuk dl yuos sak Moha Nokor

Cheat Khmer dauch Thmar kong vong ny lar rung peung chom hor.
Yeung sang Khim por pheap preng samnang robuos Kampuchea.
Moha rth koeut mien you ang veanh hey.

Krop wat aram lu tae so sap tue
Sot doy am no rom lik koun poth sasna
Go yeung gea neak thioeur thiak smos smak tam bep donn ta
Kong tè thévoda nùng chuoy chrom chrèng phkot phkang pra yoch oy
Dol pra teah Khmer jea Moha Nokor

English Translation

May Heaven protect our King
And give him happiness and glory

To reign over our souls and our destinies,
The one being, heir of the Sovereign builders,
Guiding the proud old Kingdom.

Temples are asleep in the forest,
Remembering the splendour of Moha Nokor.

Like a rock the Khmer race is eternal.
Let us trust in the fate of Cambodia,
The empire which challenges the ages.

Songs rise up from the pagodas
To the glory of holy Buddhist faith.

Let us be faithful to our ancestors' belief.
Thus heaven will lavish its bounty
Towards the ancient Khmer country, the Moha Nokor.


Lyrics by  René Djam Afame / Samuel Minkio Bamba / Moïse Nyatte Nko'o 
Music by René Djam Afame


French Lyrics

O Cameroun berceau de nos ancêtres,
Va debout et jaloux de ta liberté,
Comme un soleil ton drapeau fier doit être,
Un symbole ardent de foi et d'unité.
Chère Patrie, Terre chérie,
Tu es notre seul et vrai bonheur,
Notre joie, notre vie,
En toi l'amour et le grand honneur.
Que tous tes enfants du Nord au Sud,
De l'Est à l'Ouest soient tout amour,
Te servir que ce soit le seul but,
Pour remplir leur devoir toujours.
Chère Patrie, Terre chérie,
Tu es notre seul et vrai bonheur,
Notre joie, notre vie,
En toi l'amour et le grand honneur.
English Lyrics

O Cameroon, Thou Cradle of our Fathers,
Holy Shrine where in our midst they now repose,
Their tears and blood and sweat thy soil did water,
On thy hills and valleys once their tillage rose.
Dear Fatherland, thy worth no tongue can tell!
How can we ever pay thy due?
Thy welfare we will win in toil and love and peace,
Will be to thy name ever true!


Land of Promise, land of Glory!
Thou, of life and joy, our only store!
Thine be honour, thine devotion,
And deep endearment, for evermore.
From Shari, from where the Mungo meanders
From along the banks of lowly Boumba Stream,
Muster thy sons in union close around thee,
Mighty as the Buea Mountain be their team;
Instil in them the love of gentle ways,
Regret for errors of the past;
Foster, for Mother Africa, a loyalty
That true shall remain to the last.



Lyrics by Adolphe-Basile Routhier & Robert Stanley Weir
Music by Callixa Lavallee


Inuktitut Lyrics

ᐆ ᑲᓇᑕ!
ᓇᖕᒥᓂ ᓄᓇᕗᑦ!

ᐱᖁᔭᑏ ᓇᓚᑦᑎᐊᖅᐸᕗᑦ.
ᓇᖏᖅᐳᒍ, ᐆ ᑲᓇᑕ,
ᐆ ᑲᓇᑕ! ᓄᓇᑦᓯᐊ!
ᓇᖏᖅᐳᒍ ᒥᐊᓂᕆᑉᓗᑎ,
ᐆ ᑲᓇᑕ, ᓴᓚᒋᔭᐅᖁᓇ!


Uu Kanata!
Nangmini nunavut!

Piqujatii nalattiaqpavut.
Nangiqpugu, Uu Kanata,
Uu Kanata! nunatsia!
Nangiqpugu mianiripluti,
Uu Kanata, salagijauquna!

French Lyrics

Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.

Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.

English Translation:

O Canada!
Land of our forefathers,

Thy brow is wreathed with a glorious
garland of flowers.
As is thy arm ready to wield the sword,
So also is it ready to carry the cross.
Thy history is an epic
Of the most brilliant exploits.
Thy valour steeped in faith
Will protect our homes and our rights

Official English Lyrics

O Canada!
Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


Lyrics by Amilcar Spencer Lopes
Music by Adalberto Higino Tevares Silva

Portuguese Lyrics

Canta, irmão
canta meu irmão
que a Liberdade é hino
e o Homem a certeza.

Com dignidade, enterra a semente
no pó da ilha nua
No despenhadeiro da vida a esperança é
do tamanho do mar
que nos abraça
Sentinela de mares e ventos
entre estrelas
e o Atlântico
entoa o cântico da Liberdade

Canta, irmão
canta meu irmão
que a Liberdade é hino
e o Homem a certeza.

English Translation:

Sing, brother
Sing, my brother
For Freedom is a hymn
And Man a certainty

With dignity, bury the seed
In the dust of the naked island
In life's precipice
Hope is as big as the sea
Which embraces us
Sentinel of the seas and winds
between stars
and the Atlantic
sing the Chant of Freedom

Sing, brother
sing, my brother
for Freedom is a hymn
and Man a certainty.


Lyrics by Barthelemy Boganda
Music by Herbert Pepper

French Lyrics

Ô Centrafrique, ô berceau des Bantous!
Reprends ton droit au respect, à la vie!
Longtemps soumis, longtemps brimé par tous,
Mais de ce jour brisant la tyrannie.
Dans le travail, l'ordre et la dignité,
Tu reconquiers ton droit, ton unité,
Et pour franchir cette étape nouvelle,
De nos ancêtres la voix nous appelle.

Au travail dans l'ordre et la dignité,
Dans le respect du droit dans l'unité,
Brisant la misère et la tyrannie,
Brandissant l'étendard de la Patrie.

Sango Lyrics

Bêafrîka, mbeso tî âBantu
Kîri mo gbû gîgî tî mo-mvenî
Mo bâa pâsi na gbe tî âzo kûê
Me fadësô, mo ke na kürü gô

Mo sö benda, mo bûngbi kûê ôko
Na kusâra ngâ na nëngö-terê
Tî tö ndâ tî finî dutï tî ë sô
E mä gbegô tî_âkötarä tî ë

E gbû kua nzönî na nëngö-terê
E kpë ndiä nzönî na mängö-terê
E kinda wasïöbê, ë tomba pâsi
E yâa bandêra tî ködrö tî ë!

English Translation

Oh! Central Africa, cradle of the Bantu!
Take up again your right to respect, to life!
Long subjugated, long scorned by all,
But, from today, breaking tyranny's hold.
Through work, order and dignity
You reconquer your rights, your unity,
And to take this new step
The voice of our ancestors call us.

To work! In order and dignity,
in the respect for rights and in unity,
Breaking poverty and tyranny,
Holding high the flag of the Fatherland.


Lyrics by Louis Gidrol & others
Music by Paul Villard

French Lyrics

Peuple Tchadien, debout et à l'ouvrage!
Tu as conquis la terre et ton droit;
Ta liberté naîtra de ton courage.
Lève les yeux, l'avenir est à Toi.
O mon Pays, que Dieu te prenne en garde,
Que tes voisins admirent tes enfants.
Joyeux, pacifique, avance en chantant,
Fidèle à tes anciens qui te regardent.
Arabic Lyrics

شعب تشاد قم إلي العمل إسترديت أرضاك وحقاك وحرياتك تولودك من شجاعتك إرفع عينيك فالمستقبل لك يابلادي فليحفظك الله فليحفظ جيرانك وأبنائك أيه المحيط الساري تقدم وأنت تنشد وافيا لأسلافك الذين ينظرون إليك شعب تشاد قم إلا العمل إسترديت أرضاك وحقاك وحرياتك تولودك من شجاعتك إرفع عينيك فالمستقبل لك

Latin Lyrics

`shyb tshad qm i'li alyml i'strdit a'rdak uxhqak uxhriatk tuludk mn shgaytk i'rfy yinik falmstqbl lk iabladi flixhfz'k allx' flixhfz' girank ua'bnaj'k a'ix' almxhit' alsari tqdm ua'nt tnshd uafia la'slafk aldhin inz'run i'lik shyb tshad qm i'la alyml i'strdit a'rdak uxhqak uxhriatk tuludk mn shgaytk i'rfy yinik falmstqbl lk`

English Translation:

People of Chad, arise and to work!
You have conquered the soil and won your rights;
Your freedom will be born of your courage.
Lift up your eyes, the future is yours.
O my Country, may God protect you,
May your neighbours admire your children.
Joyful, peaceful, advance as you sing,
Faithful to your fathers who are watching you.


Lyrics by  Eusebio Lillo
Music by Ramon Carnicer


Spanish Lyrics

Puro, Chile, es tu cielo azulado
Puras brisas te cruzan también.
Y tu campo de flores bordado
Es la copia feliz del Edén.
Majestuosa es la blanca montaña
Que te dio por baluarte el Señor
Que te dio por baluarte el Señor,
Y ese mar que tranquilo te baña
Te promete un futuro esplendor
Y ese mar que tranquilo te baña
Te promete un futuro esplendor.

Dulce Patria, recibe los votos
Con que Chile en tus aras juró:
Que o la tumba serás de los libres
O el asilo contra la opresión
Que o la tumba serás de los libres
O el asilo contra la opresión
Que o la tumba serás de los libres
O el asilo contra la opresión
O el asilo contra la opresión
O el asilo contra la opresión.

English Translation:

Pure, Chile, is your blue sky;
Pure breezes cross you as well.
And your flower-embroidered field
Is the happy copy of Eden.
Majestic is the white mountain
That was given to you as a bastion by the Lord
That was given to you as a bastion by the Lord
And that sea that calmly washes your shores
Promises you a future splendor
And that sea that calmly washes your shores
Promises you a splendid future.

Sweet fatherland, accept the vows
With which Chile swore at your altars:
Either the tomb of the free will you be
Or the refuge against oppression
Either the tomb of the free will you be
Or the refuge against oppression
Either the tomb of the free will you be
Or the refuge against oppression
Or the refuge against oppression
Or the refuge against oppression.


1949, 1982, 1997, 1999, 2004
Lyrics by Tian Han
Music by Nie Er


Traditional Chinese Lyrics


Simplified Chinese Lyrics


Pinyin Lyrics

Qǐlái! Búyuàn zuò núlì de rénmen!
Bǎ wǒmen de xuèròu, zhùchéng wǒmen xīn de chángchéng!
Zhōnghuá mínzú dàoliǎo zuì wēixiǎn de shíhòu.
Měi ge rén bèipòzhe fāchū zuìhòu de hǒushēng.
Qǐlái! Qǐlái! Qǐlái!
Wǒmen wànzhòngyìxīn,
Màozhe dírén de pàohuǒ, qiánjìn!
Màozhe dírén de pàohuǒ, qiánjìn!
Qiánjìn! Qiánjìn! Jìn!

English Lyrics

Arise! All who refuse to be slaves!
Let our flesh and blood forge into our new Great Wall!
As the Chinese Nation faces its greatest peril,
All forcefully expend their last cries.
Arise! Arise! Arise!
Our million hearts beat as one,
Brave the enemy's fire, March on!
Brave the enemy's fire, March on!
March on! March on! On!


Lyrics by Rafael Nunez
Music by Oreste Sindici


Spanish Lyrics

¡Oh gloria inmarcesible!
¡Oh júbilo inmortal!
En surcos de dolores
el bien germina ya.

Cesó la horrible noche,
la libertad sublime
derrama las auroras
de su invencible luz.
La humanidad entera,
que entre cadenas gime,
comprende las palabras
del que murió en la cruz.

"¡Independencia!" grita
el mundo americano;
se baña en sangre de héroes
la tierra de Colón.
Pero este gran principio,
"El rey no es soberano"
resuena, y los que sufren
bendicen su pasión.

Del Orinoco el cauce
se colma de despojos,
de sangre y llanto un río
se mira allí correr.
En Bárbula no saben
las almas ni los ojos,
si admiración o espanto
sentir o padecer.

A orillas del Caribe,
hambriento un pueblo lucha,
horrores prefiriendo
a pérfida salud.
¡Oh, sí!, de Cartagena
la abnegación es mucha,
y escombros de la muerte
desprecia su virtud.

De Boyacá en los campos,
el genio de la gloria,
con cada espiga un héroe
invicto coronó.
Soldados sin coraza
ganaron la victoria;
su varonil aliento
de escudo les sirvió.

Bolívar cruza el Andes
que riegan dos océanos,
espadas cual centellas
fulguran en Junín.
Centauros indomables
descienden a los llanos,
y empieza a presentirse,
de la epopeya el fin.

La trompa victoriosa
en Ayacucho truena,
que en cada triunfo crece
su formidable son.
En su expansivo empuje
la libertad se estrena,
del cielo americano
formando un pabellón.

La virgen sus cabellos
arranca en agonía
y de su amor viuda
los cuelga del ciprés.
Lamenta su esperanza
que cubre loza fría,
pero glorioso orgullo
circunda su alba tez.

La patria así se forma,
termópilas brotando;
constelación de cíclopes
su noche iluminó.
La flor estremecida
mortal el viento hallando,
debajo los laureles
seguridad buscó.

Mas no es completa gloria
vencer en la batalla,
que el brazo que combate
lo anima la verdad.
La independencia sola
el gran clamor no acalla;
si el sol alumbra a todos,
justicia es libertad.

Del hombre los derechos
Nariño predicando,
el alma de la lucha
profético enseñó.
Ricaurte en San Mateo,
en átomos volando,
"Deber antes que vida,"
con llamas escribió.

English Translation:

O unfading glory!
O immortal joy!
In furrows of pain
the good now germinates.
The horrible night has ceased,
the sublime liberty
spills the auroras
of its invincible light.
All humanity,
which moans within chains,
understands the words
of He who died on the Cross.
"Independence!" cries
the American world;
soaked in blood of heroes
the land of Columbus.
Still, one great principle,
"The king is not sovereign",
resounds, and those who suffer
bless their passion.
The Orinoco's bed
fills with the remains,
of blood and tears a river
is there seen flowing.
In Barbula they don't know
the souls nor the eyes,
if admiration or horror
feel or suffer.
On the shores of the Caribbean,
famished the people fight,
horrors preferring
to treacherous health.
O, aye! for Cartagena
the abnegation is much,
and the shambles of death
its courage despises .
From Boyaca in the fields,
the genius of glory,
for every ear a hero
undefeated crowned.
Soldiers without breastplate
won victory;
their virile breath
as shield served.
Bolivar crosses the Andes
that two oceans bathe,
swords as sparks
shine in Junin.
Untameable centaurs
descend to the plains,
and a prescience begins to be felt,
of the epic the end.
The victorious trumpet
in Ayacucho thunders,
that in every triumph grows
its formidable sound.
In its expansive thrust
Liberty is worn for the first time,
from the American sky
a pavilion forming.
The virgin her hairs
pulls out in agony
and from her beloved widowed
hangs them on a cypress.
Regretting her hope
covered by a cold headstone,
but glorious pride
hallows her fair skin.
Thus the motherland is formed,
Thermopylaes are breaking forth;
constellation of cyclops
its night brightened.
The trembling flower
finding the wind mortal,
underneath the laurels
safety sought.
But it's not complete glory
to defeat in battle,
that the arm that fights
is encouraged by truth.
Independence alone
The great clamour doesn't silence;
if the sun illuminates everyone,
justice is liberty.
From men the rights
Narino's preaching,
the soul of struggle
prophetically taught.
Ricaurte in San Mateo,
in atoms flying,
"Duty before life,"
with flames he wrote.


Lyrics by Said Hachim Sidi Abderemane
Music by Said Hachim Sidi Abderemane / Kamildine Abdallah

Shimasiwa Lyrics

I béramu isi pépéza
i nadi ukombozi piya
i daula ivénuha
tasiba bu ya i dini voya trangaya hunu Komoriya
Narikéni na mahaba ya huveindza ya masiwa

yatruwasiwa Komoro damu ndzima
wasiwa Komoro dini ndzima
Ya masiwa radzali wa
ya masiwa yarileya
Mola né ari sayidiya
Narikéni ha niya
riveindzé uwataniya
Mahaba ya dine na duniya.

I béramu isi pépéza
rang mwési sita wa Zuiye
i daula ivénuha
zisiwa zatru zi pangwi ha
Maoré na Nzuani, Mwalina Ngaziya
Narikéni na mahaba ya huveindzar ya masiwa.

Arabic Lyrics

العلم يرفرف ,
ليعلن الإستقلال التام ;
ترتقي الأمة ,
بسبب إيماننا
في جزرنا القمرية .
دعنا نتحلى بالإخلاص
لحب جزرنا العظيمة .
نحن القمريون من دم ٍ واحد ,
نحن القمريون من إيمانٍ واحد .
على هذه الجزر قد ولدنا ,
هذه الجزر قد رعتنا .
نرجوا من الله مساعدتنا دائماً ;
لحب أرضنا الأم ,
و لحب ديننا و العالم .
العلم يرفرف .
من السادس من يوليو
ترتقي الأمة ;
جزرنا موحدة .
ماوري و أنزون موهيلي و القمر ,
دعنا نتحلى بالإخلاص
لحب جزرنا العظيمة

English Translation

The flag is flying,
Announcing complete independence;
The nation rises up
Because of the faith we have
In this our Comoria.

Let us always have devotion
To love our Great Islands.
We Comorians are of one blood,
We Comorians are of one faith.

On these Islands we were born,
These Islands brought us up.
May God always help us;
Let us always have the firm resolve
To love our fatherland,
Love our religion and the world.

The flag is flying.
From the Sixth of July
The Nation rises up;
Our Islands are lined up.
Maori and Anzuan, Moheli and Comore,
Let us always have devotion
To love our Great Islands.


Lyrics by Joseph Litumba
Music by Simon-Pierre Boka di Mpasi Londi

French Lyrics

Debout Congolais,
Unis par le sort,
Unis dans l'effort pour l'indépendance,
Dressons nos fronts longtemps courbés
Et pour de bon prenons le plus bel élan, dans la paix,
O peuple ardent, par le labeur, nous bâtirons un pays plus beau qu'avant, dans la paix.

Citoyens, entonnez l'hymne sacré de votre solidarité,
Fièrement, saluez l'emblème d'or de votre souveraineté, Congo.

Don béni, (Congo) des aïeux (Congo),
O pays (Congo) bien aimé (Congo),
Nous peuplerons ton sol et nous assurerons ta grandeur.
(Trente juin) O doux soleil (trente juin) du trente juin,
(Jour sacré) Sois le témoin (jour sacré) de l'immortel serment de liberté
Que nous léguons à notre postérité pour toujours.

English Lyrics

Arise, Congolese,
United by fate,
United in the struggle for independence,
Let us hold up our heads, so long bowed,
And now, for good, let us keep moving boldly ahead, in peace.
Oh, ardent people, by hard work we shall build,
In peace, a country more beautiful than before.

Countrymen, sing the sacred hymn of your solidarity,
Proudly salute the golden emblem of your sovereignty, Congo.

Blessed gift of our forefathers,
Oh beloved country,
We shall people your soil and ensure your greatness.
Oh gentle sun of 30 June,
Be witness of the immortal oath of freedom
That we pass on to our children forever.


Lyrics by Jacques Tondra and Georges Kibanghi
Music by Jean Royer and Joseph Spadilière

French Lyrics

En ce jour le soleil se lève
Et notre Congo resplendit.
Une longue nuit s'achève,
Un grand bonheur a surgi.
Chantons tous avec ivresse
le chant de la liberté.

Congolais, debout fièrement partout,
Proclamons l'union de notre nation,
Oublions ce qui nous divise,
soyons plus unis que jamais,
Vivons pour notre devise:
Unité, travail, progrès!
Vivons pour notre devise:
Unité, travail, progrès!

Des forêts jusqu'à la savanne,
Des savannes jusqu'à la mer,
Un seul peuple, une seule âme,
Un seul coer, ardent et fier,
Luttons tous, tant que nous sommes,
Pour notre vieux pays noir.

Et s'il nous faut mourir, en somme
Qu'importe puisque nos enfants,
Partout, pourront dire comme
On triomphe en combattant,
Et dans le moindre village
Chantent sous nos trois couleurs.


English Translation

On this day the sun rises
And our Congo stands resplendent.
A long night is ended,
a great happiness has come.
Let us all, with wild joyfulness, sing
The song of freedom.

Arise, Congolese, proud every man,
Proclaim the unity of our nation.
Let us forget what divides us
And become more united than ever.
Let us live our motto:
Unity, work, progress.
Let us live our motto:
Unity, work, progress.

From the forest to the bush,
From the bush to the ocean,
One people, one soul,
One heart, ardent and proud.
Let us all fight, every one of us,
For our black country.

And if we have to die,
What does it really matter? Our children
Everywhere will be able to say how
Triumph comes through battle,
And in the smallest village
Sing beneath our three colours.



Lyrics by José María Zeledón Brenes
Music by Manuel María Gutiérrez

Costa Rican Lyrics

Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera
expresión de tu vida nos da;
bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo
blanca y pura descansa la paz.

En la lucha tenaz,
de fecunda labor
que enrojece del hombre la faz,
conquistaron tus hijos
labriegos sencillos
eterno prestigio, estima y honor.

¡Salve, o tierra gentil!
¡Salve, o madre de amor!
Cuando alguno pretenda
tu gloria manchar,
verás a tu pueblo valiente y viril,
la tosca herramienta en arma trocar.

Salve oh Patria tu pródigo suelo,
dulce abrigo y sustento nos da;
bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo
¡vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!

English Translation

Noble homeland, your beautiful flag
Expression of your life it gives us:
Under the limpid blue of your skies,
Peace reigns, white and pure.
In the tenacious battle of fruitful toil,
That brings a glow to men's faces,
Your sons, simple farm hands,
Gained eternal renown, esteem and honour,
Gained eternal renown, esteem and honour.
Hail, gentle country!
Hail, loving mother!
If anyone should attempt to besmirch your glory,
You will see your people, valiant and virile,
Exchange their rustic tools for weapons.
Hail, O homeland! Your prodigal soil
Gives us sweet sustenance and shelter.
Under the limpid blue of your sky,
May peace and labour ever live!


Lyrics by Mathieu Ekra / Joachim Bony / Pierre Marie Coty
Music by Pierre Marie Coty / Pierre Michel Pango

French Lyrics

Salut ô terre d'espérance;
Pays de l'hospitalité.
Tes légions remplies de vaillance
Ont relevé ta dignité.
Tes fils, chère Côte d'Ivoire,
Fiers artisans de ta grandeur,
Tous rassemblés pour ta gloire
Te bâtiront dans le bonheur.
Fiers Ivoiriens, le pays nous appelle.
Si nous avons dans la paix ramené la liberté,
Notre devoir sera d'être un modèle
De l'espérance promise à l'humanité,
En forgeant, unie dans la foi nouvelle,
La patrie de la vraie fraternité.
 English Translation:

We salute you, O land of hope,
Country of hospitality;
Thy full gallant legions
Have restored thy dignity.
Beloved Ivory Coast, thy sons,
Humble builders of thy greatness,
All not mustered together for thy glory,
In joy will we construct thee.
Humble citizens of the Ivory Coast, the country call us.
If we have brought back liberty peacefully,
It will be our duty to be an example
Of the hope promised to humanity,
Forging unitedly in new faith
The Fatherland of true brotherhood.


Lyrics by Antun Mihanovic
Music by Josip Runjanin


Croatian Lyrics

Lijepa naša domovino,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
Da bi vazda sretna bila!
Mila, kano si nam slavna,
Mila si nam ti jedina.
Mila, kuda si nam ravna,
Mila, kuda si planina!
Teci Dravo, Savo teci,
Nit' ti Dunav silu gubi,
Sinje more svijetu reci,
Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi.
Dok mu njive sunce grije,
Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
Dok mu mrtve grobak krije,
Dok mu živo srce bije!

English Lyrics 

Our beautiful homeland,
Oh dear heroic land,
Our father's ancient glory,
May you be blessed forever.
Beloved, you are our sole glory,
Beloved, you are our only one,
Beloved, where you are plain,
Beloved, where you are mountain
Drava, Sava, flow on,
Nor you Danube, lose your power,
Deep blue sea, tell the world,
That a Croat loves his people.
Whilst the sun warms his fields,
Whilst winds lash his oak trees,
Whilst his lost ones are with grave covered,
Whilst his living heart beats.


Lyrics by Perucho Vigueredo
Music by Perucho Vigueredo (Antonio Rodriguez-Ferrer musical introductory notes)


Spanish Lyrics

¡Al combate, corred, Bayameses!,
Que la patria os contempla orgullosa;
No temáis una muerte gloriosa,
Que morir por la patria es vivir.

En cadenas vivir es vivir
En afrenta y oprobio sumido,
Del clarín escuchad el sonido;
¡A las armas, valientes, corred!

English Lyrics

Hasten to battle, men of Bayamo!
The fatherland looks proudly to you;
Do not fear a glorious death,
Because to die for the fatherland is to live.

To live in chains is to live
In dishonour and ignominy,
Hear the clarion's call;
Hasten, brave ones, to battle!


Ὕμνος εἰς τὴν Ἐλευθερίαν 
1865 by Greece
1960 by Cyprus
Lyrics by Dionysios Solomos
Music by Nikolaos Mantzaros


Greek Polytonic Ortography Lyrics

Σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν κόψι
Τοῦ σπαθιοῦ τὴν τρομερή,
Σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν ὄψι,
Ποῦ μὲ βιά μετράει τὴν γῆ.
Ἀπ’ τὰ κόκκαλα βγαλμένη
Τῶν Ἑλλήνων τὰ ἱερά,
Καὶ σὰν πρῶτα ἀνδρειωμένη,
Χαῖρε, ὢ χαῖρε, Ἐλευθεριά!

Greek Monotonic Ortography Lyrics

Σε γνωρίζω από την κόψη
του σπαθιού την τρομερή,
σε γνωρίζω από την όψη
που με βιά μετράει την γη.
Απ’ τα κόκκαλα βγαλμένη
των Ελλήνων τα ιερά,
και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη,
χαίρε, ω χαίρε, Ελευθεριά!3

Roman Lyrics

Se gnorizo apo tin kopsi
tou spathiou tin tromeri,
se gnorízo apo tin opsi,
pou me via metrai tin gi.
Ap' ta kokkala vgalmeni
ton Ellinon ta iera,
kai san prota andriomeni,
chere, o chere, Eleftheria!

Literal English Translation

I know it's you from the edge
of the sword, the terrible one
I recognize you from the look
which with hardness surveys the land
drawn from the bones
of the Greeks, the sacred ones
and, valiant as first
hail, o hail, Liberty!
Poetic English Translation

I shall always recognize you
by the dreadful sword you hold
as the Earth with searching vision
you survey with spirit bold
From the Greeks of old whose dying
brought to life and spirit free
now with ancient valour rising
let us hail you, oh Liberty!

English Translation by Rudyard Kliping

We knew thee of old,
O, divinely restored,
By the lights of thine eyes,
And the light of thy Sword.
From the graves of our slain,
Shall thy valour prevail,
As we greet thee again,
Hail, Liberty! Hail!


Lyrics by Josef Kajetan Tyl
Music by Frantisek Skroup


Czech Lyrics

Kde domov můj, kde domov můj?
Voda hučí po lučinách,
bory šumí po skalinách,
v sadě skví se jara květ,
zemský ráj to na pohled!
A to je ta krásná země,
země česká domov můj,
země česká domov můj!

English Translation

Where is my home, where is my home?
Water roars across the meadows,
Pinewoods rustle among crags,
The garden is glorious with spring blossom,
Paradise on earth it is to see.
And this is that beautiful land,
The Czech land, my home,
The Czech land, my home.


Lyrics by Adam Oehlenschlager
Music by Hans Ernst Kroyer


Danish Lyrics

Der er et yndigt land,
det står med brede bøge
nær salten østerstrand :|
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal,
det hedder gamle Danmark
og det er Frejas sal :|
Der sad i fordums tid
de harniskklædte kæmper,
udhvilede fra strid :|
Så drog de frem til fjenders mén,
nu hvile deres bene
bag højens bautasten :|
Det land endnu er skønt,
thi blå sig søen bælter,
og løvet står så grønt :|
Og ædle kvinder, skønne mø'r
og mænd og raske svende
bebo de danskes øer :|
Hil drot og fædreland!
Hil hver en danneborger,
som virker, hvad han kan! :|
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
så længe bøgen spejler
sin top i bølgen blå :|

The lines sung at sporting events etc. are normally confined to:
Der er et yndigt land,
det står med brede bøge
nær salten østerstrand :|
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal,
det hedder gamle Danmark
og det er Frejas sal :|
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
så længe bøgen spejler
sin top i bølgen blå :|

Free metrical english translation:
There is a lovely land
with spreading, shady beeches
Near salty Baltic strand :|
Its hills and valleys gently fall,
its ancient name is Denmark,
And it is Freya's hall :|
There in the ancient days
the armoured Vikings rested
Between their bloody frays :|
Then they went forth the foe to face,
now found in stone-set barrows,
Their final resting place :|
This land is still as fair,
the sea is blue around it,
And peace is cherished there :|
Strong men and noble women still
uphold their country's honour
With faithfulness and skill :|

Literal English Translation

There is a lovely country
it stands with broad beeches
near the salty eastern beach
It winds itself in hill, valley,
it is called old Denmark
and it is Freja's hall
There sat in former times,
the armour-suited warriors,
rested from conflict
Then they journeyed forwards to their enemies' injury,
now their bones are resting
behind the mound's menhir
That country is still lovely,
because the sea waves so blue frolic,
and the foliage stands so green
And noble women, beautiful maidens,
and men and brisk swains
inhabit the Danes' islands
Hail king and native country!
Hail every a Dane-citizen,
who works, what he can
Our old Denmark shall endure,
as long as the beech reflects
its top in the blue wave

Tadi gw lanjutin... Tapi macet, jadi gw keluarin dari mozilla... Pas dibuka kembali, ternyata ga kesimpan.. Gw udah ga mood nulis ini... Hahaha... Ga penting juga, ada di wikipedia..

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